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Viewing tag: testimonials

Embracing individualized education: Chatard senior with Autism writes, directs school play

July 30th 2018

Every spring, Bishop Chatard High School hosts its New Play Festival, an event where students can submit plays they have written, around ten minutes long, to be featured along with five or six others chosen for the event. This past spring, Tommy Hartley, a senior at the time, enthusiastically submitted “Four Puzzles”, a play he […]

What people are saying about INPEA

December 12th 2017

“For years now INPEA has been the strongest, most consistent and greatest advocate for students, teachers and families in our state’s non-public schools.   INPEA does what no other organization in the state can do – it not only represents the diversity that exists in our state’s non-public schools; it connects that diversity in a manner […]