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Connecting select education vendors with Indiana’s non-public school community

As the only membership association for Indiana’s non-public schools, INPEA offers a unique opportunity for businesses to access key non-public leaders and decision makers. In addition to becoming involved in INPEA Conferences, INPEA Business Partners gain increased visibility and access to INPEA member superintendents and principals across the state.

INPEA Business Partners
$7,500 ($5,000 for existing INPEA Sponsors)

  • Business Partners will receive the opportunity to present annually to the INPEA Board of Directors, which is made up of 12 jurisdictional (e.g., Diocesan superintendents) and school leaders from across Indiana, representing nearly 400 schools.
  • Links to Business Partners’ website will appear on the INPEA website.
  • Logos and possible content-specific articles will be included in the INPEA monthly e-newsletter, which reaches more than 1,000 recipients.
  • Less formally, Business Partners will benefit from “door opening” introductions to school and jurisdictional leaders from across the state.

To become an INPEA Business Partner, submit the Business Partners Form.

If you are interested in learning more, contact John Elcesser at 317-236-7329.

Current INPEA Business Partners: